

(Co‑author) A Computer‑aided Critical Edition of the Tosefta Sotah, Waltham, Mass., 1970.

The Halakhah at Qumran (Studies in Judaism in Late Antiquity, vol. 16), Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1975, xii + 170 pp.

Sectarian Law in the Dead Sea Scrolls, Courts, Testimony, and the Penal Code, Brown Judaic Studies 33, ed. J. Neusner, Chico, California: Scholars Press, 1983, pp. xv + 278.

Who Was a Jew? Rabbinic and Halakhic Perspectives on the Jewish‑Christian Schism, Hoboken:  Ktav, 1985, pp. xii + 131.

(Assistant Editor) ‘Ensiqlopedyah `Olam Ha‑Tanakh, Wa‑Yiqra’ (Leviticus), Jerusalem:  Revivim, 1987, 222 pp.

The Eschatological Community of the Dead Sea Scrolls, A Study of the Rule of the Congregation, Society for Biblical Literature Monograph Series 37, Atlanta:  Scholars Press, 1989, xi + 101pp.

(editor) Archaeology and History in the Dead Sea Scrolls:The New York University Conference in Memory of Yigael Yadin, Sheffield: JSOT for ASOR, 1990, 296 p.

From Text to Tradition, A History of Judaism in Second Temple and Rabbinic Times, Hoboken, N.J.: Ktav, 1989, xvi + 299 pp.

(with Michael Swartz) Hebrew and Aramaic Incantation Texts from the Cairo Genizah, Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1992, 183 pp.

Halakhah, Halikhah U‑Meshihiyut bi‑Megillot Midbar Yehudah (Law, Custom, and Messianism in the Dead Sea Scrolls), Jerusalem:  Israel Historical Society, Merkaz Zalman Shazar, 1993, 391 pp.

Reclaiming the Dead Sea Scrolls: The History of Judaism, the Background of Christianity, the Lost Library of Qumran, Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1994, xxvii + 529 pp.  Paperback ed., Anchor Bible Reference Library (New York: Doubleday, 1995).

The Talmud of the Land of Israel, A Preliminary Translation and Explanation, Pesahim, trans. B. Bokser, com­pleted and edited by L. H. Schiffman, The Talmud of the Land of Israel vol. 13 (Chicago:  University of Chicago Press, 1994)  xxiii + 633 pp.

(journal co‑editor) Dead Sea Discoveries 1‑10, 1994-2004.

(co‑editor, with Devorah Dimant) “Time to Prepare the Way in the Wilderness”, Papers on the Qumran Scrolls by Fellows of The Institute for Advanced Studies of the Hebrew University‑‑Jerusalem, 1989‑90, Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah 16, Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1995, 157 pp.

Texts and Traditions, A Source Reader for the Study of Second Temple and Rabbinic Judaism (Hoboken, NJ:  Ktav, 1998), pp. xxvi + 777.  

 Targum Neofiti I: an Exegetical Commentary to Genesis, complete text edited by L.H. Schiffman [with commentary by] B. Grossfeld (New York: Sepher-Hermon Press, 2000).

(co-editor with J. C. VanderKam) Oxford Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls, 2 vols. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2000).

A History of Judaism in Second Temple and Rabbinic Times, Russian edition (Moscow: Most; Jerusalem: Gesharim, 2000) 275 pp. + illustrations.

(editor) The Dead Sea Scrolls: Fifty Years after their Discovery: Proceedings of the Jerusalem Congress, July 20-25, 1997 (with E. Tov and J.C. VanderKam) (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society in cooperation with The Shrine of the Book, Israel Museum, 2000) xxi, 970 p.

 (co-editor with S.M. Paul, R.A.Kraft, and W.W.Fields) Emanuel: Studies in Hebrew Bible, Septuagint, and Dead Sea Scrolls in Honor of Emanuel Tov (Leiden: Brill, 2003).

Understanding Second Temple and Rabbinic Judaism (ed. J. Bloomberg and S. Kapustin; Jersey City, NJ: Ktav, 2003).

(editor) Semitic Papyrology in Context: A Climate of Creativity: Papers from a New York University Conference Marking the Retirement of Baruch A. Levine (ed. Lawrence H. Schiffman; Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 14; Leiden: Brill, 2003).

Les Manuscrits de la Mer Morte et le Judaïsme (Quebec: Fides, 2003).

(co-editor with A. Mintz) Jewish Spirituality and Divine Law (Orthodox Forum Series 12; New York: Michael Scharf Publication Trust of the Yeshiva University Press, 2005).

Ed. with J. B Wolowelsky, War and Peace in the Jewish Tradition, 2004 Orthodox Forum (New York: Yeshiva University, 2007).

The Courtyards of the House of the Lord: Studies on the Temple Scroll (ed. Florentino García Martínez; STDJ 75; Leiden: Brill, 2008)

Qumran and Jerusalem: Studies in the Dead Sea Scrolls and the History of Judaism (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing, 2010)

A Comparative Handbook to the Gospel of Mark: Comparisons with Pseudepigrapha, the Qumran Scrolls, and Rabbinic Literature (eds. B. Chilton, D. Bock, et al.; editor for the Literature of Qumran, Lawrence H. Schiffman; The New Testament Gospels in their Judaic Contexts 1; Leiden: Brill, 2010)

Consulting editor, Eerdmans Dictionary of Early Judaism (ed. J.J. Collins and D.C. Harlow; Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2010)

(Co-editor, with S. Tzoref, The Dead Sea Scrolls at 60 : Scholarly Contributions of New York University Faculty and Alumni  (Ranieri Colloquium on Ancient Studies, 2008; Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2010) introduction

(with A.D. Gross and M.C. Rand, et al.; ed. J.H. Charlesworth) The Dead Sea Scrolls: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Texts with English Translations, vol. 7: Temple Scroll and Related Documents (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck; Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2011)

(Ed. with A. M. Maier and J. Magness) ‘Go out and Study the Land’ (Judges 18:2): Archaeological , Historical and Textual Studies in Honor of Hanan Eshel (Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism 148; Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2012)


(Co‑author) “Computer‑aided Critical Editions of Rabbinic Texts,” Hebrew Computational Linguistics, published by Bar‑Ilan University, No. 2 (May, 1970), pp. 47‑63.

“A Forty‑two Letter Divine Name in the Aramaic Magic Bowls,” Bulletin of the Institute of Jewish Studies, No. 1 (London, l973), pp. 97‑102.

“Computer‑aided Critical Editions: Features and Extensions,” Hebrew Computational Linguistics 8 (1974), 1‑8a.

“Scriptural Exegesis and the Qumran Legal Tradition (abstract),” Association for Jewish Studies Newsletter no. 13 (February, 1975), 9.

“The Qumran Law of Testimony,” Revue de Qumran 8 (1975), pp. 603‑612.

“Jordanian Stamps Picturing the Dead Sea and Qumran Scrolls,” Judaica Philatelic Journal 11 (1975), pp. 1485‑1491.

“The Recall of Rabbi Nehuniah ben Ha‑Qanah from Ecstasy in the Hekhalot Rabbati,” Association for Jewish Studies Review 1 (1976), pp. 269‑81.

(Co‑author) “Hebrew Literature,” The Reader’s Adviser, 12th ed., ed. F.J. Sypher, Bowker, New York, 1977, pp. 619‑628.

“Response” to Baruch M. Bokser, “Philo’s Description of Jewish Practices,” Center for Hermeneutical Studies, Colloquy 30, Berkeley, 1977, pp. 19‑27.

“Response” to J.C. Greenfield, “Aramaic and its Dialects,” Jewish Languages, Theme and Variation, ed. H. Paper, Cambridge, Mass.: Association for Jewish Studies, 1978, pp. 45f.

“The Near East: A Journey through Time,” in Egypt and the Near East: A Historical Review and Description of Sights, New York: Travel Dynamics, pp. 5‑39.

“Communal Meals at Qumran,” Revue de Qumran 10 (1979), pp. 45‑56.

“The Magical Texts from the Cairo genizah, (report) American Philosophical Society Yearbook (1978, published 1979), 385f.

“Jewish Sectarianism in Second Temple Times,” Great Schisms in Jewish History, ed. R. Jospe, S. Wagner, Center for Judaic Studies, University of Denver and Ktav Publishing House, New  York, 1981, pp. 1‑46.

“The Temple Scroll in Literary and Philological Perspective,” Approaches to Ancient Judaism, Vol. II (Brown Judaic Studies, no. 9), ed. W.S. Green, Scholars Press, 1980, 143‑158.

“Ben Yehuda, Eliezer,” “Gordon, Judah Leib (Leon),” “Judah Halevi,” and “Luzzatto, Moses Hayyim,” Acade­mic American Encyclopedia, 21 vols., Arete Publishing, 1981.

“At the Crossroads: Tannaitic Perspectives on the Jewish‑Christian Schism,” Jewish and Christian Self‑Definition, Vol. II, ed. E.P. Sanders with A.I. Baumgarten and Alan Mendelson, Philadelphia: Fortress Press, and London: SCM Press, 1981, pp. 115‑156, 338‑352; reprinted in Essential Papers on Judaism and Christianity in Conflict, From Late Antiquity to the Reformation, ed. J. Cohen, New York and London:  New York University Press, 1991, pp. 431‑57.

“Merkavah Speculation at Qumran: the 4Q Serekh Shirot `Olat Ha‑Shabbat,” Mystics, Philosophers, and Politi­cians, Essays in Jewish Intellectual History in Honor of Alexander Altmann, ed. J. Reinharz, D. Swetschinski, Duke University Press, 1982, pp. 15‑47.

“The Interchange of the Prepositions Bet and Mem in the Texts from Qumran,” Textus 10 (1982), pp. 37‑43.

Giyyur Be‑Kitve Yosef ben Matityahu: ‘Izates Me‑Hadayev Le‑’Or Ha‑Halakhah,” Yosef ben Matityahu, Histor­iyon shel ‘Eres Yisra’el, ed. U. Rappoport, Jerusalem:  Yad Izhak ben Zvi, 1982, pp. 247‑265, English abstract, XX‑XXI.

“Legislation concerning Relations with non‑Jews in the Zadokite Fragments and in Tannaitic Literature,” Revue de Qumran 11 (1983), pp. 379‑89.

Judaism:  A Primer, New York:  Hagop Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies, New York University, 1984.  Revised and Expanded Edition, New York:  Bnai Brith Anti‑Defamation League, 1985, also published in Spanish and Portuguese translations.

“Jewish Identity and Jewish Descent,” Judaism 34 (Winter, 1985), pp. 78‑84.

“The Eschatological Community of the Serekh Ha‑`Edah,” Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research 51 (1984), pp. 105‑129.

“Purity and Perfection:  Exclusion from the Council of the Community in the Serekh Ha‑`Edah,” Biblical Ar­chaeology Today, Proceedings of the International Congress on Biblical Archaeology, Jerusalem, April 1984, ed. J. Amitai, Jerusalem:  Israel Exploration Society, 1985, pp. 373‑89.

Articles on “Anoint” (p. 32),”Bitter Herbs” (p. 135), “Jubilee” (pp. 511f.), “Marriage” (pp. 608f.), “Mourning Rites” (pp. 661f.) “Purim, the Feast of” (p. 843), “Purity” (pp. 843f.), “Nethinim” (pp. 697f.), “Priests” (pp. 821‑23), “Sabbath Day’s Journey” (p. 889), “Sabbatical Year” (p. 889), “Sackcloth” (p. 890), “Shophar” (p. 947), and “Zadok” (p. 1155) in Harper’s Bible Dictionary, ed. P. J. Achtemaier, San Francisco:  Harper and Row, 1985.

“The Sacrificial System of the Temple Scroll and the Book of Jubilees,” Society for Biblical Literature Seminar Papers 1985, ed. K. H. Richards, Atlanta:  Scholars Press, 1985, pp. 217‑233.

“The Samaritans in Tannaitic Halakhah,” JQR 75 (1985), pp. 323‑50.

“Who Will be a Jew?” Federation Chronicle, Johannesburg, (September, 1985), pp. 11, 28, reprinted in Jewish Action 46, no. 1 (1985), pp. 20‑21.

“Liturgical Texts from Qumran Cave IV,” Proceedings of the Ninth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Division A, The Period of the Bible, Jerusalem:  World Union of Jewish Studies, 1986, pp. 183‑90.

“Exclusion from the Sanctuary and the City of the Sanctuary in the Temple Scroll,” Hebrew Annual Review 9 (1986), S. D. Goitein memorial Volume, pp. 301‑20.

“Reproof as a Requisite for Punishment in the Law of the Dead Sea Scrolls,” Jewish Law Studies II, the Jerusa­lem Conference Volume, ed. B. S. Jackson, Atlanta:  Scholars Press, 1986, pp. 59‑74.

Sifrut Ha‑Hekhalot Ve‑Khitve Qumran,” Ha‑Mistiqah Ha‑Yehudit Ha‑Qedumah, Proceedings of the Conference on Hekhalot Literature of the Scholem Research Center in Kabbalah, Mehqare Yerushalayim Be‑Mahshevet Yis­ra’el 6, Jerusalem, 1986, pp. 121‑38.

“Dead Sea Scrolls,” Encyclopedia of Religion, New York:  Macmillan, 1987, vol. 4, pp. 248‑51.

“Essenes,” Encyclopedia of Religion, New York:  Macmillan, 1987, vol. 5, pp. 163‑6.

“Introduction,” and “Conclusion,” to B. Litvin, The Sanctity of the Synagogue, 3rd edition, ed. J. Litvin, New York:  Ktav, 1987, pp. xxiii‑xxxvi, 515‑16.

“The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Early History of Jewish Liturgy,” The Synagogue in Late Antiquity, ed. L. Levine, New York:  Jewish Theological Seminary, 1987, pp. 33‑48.

“The Conversion of the Royal House of Adiabene in Josephus and Rabbinic Sources,” Josephus, Judaism, and Christianity, ed. L. H. Feldman, G. Hata, Detroit, Wayne State, 1987, pp. 293‑312.

“The King and his Army in the Temple Scroll,” PAAJR 54 (1987), pp. 237‑59.

“The Rabbinic Understanding of Covenant,” The New Testament and Judaism, Review and Expositor 84 (1987), pp. 289‑98.

“The Concept of the Messiah in Second Temple and Rabbinic Literature,” The New Testament and Judaism, Review and Expositor 84 (1987), pp. 235‑46.

Commentaries on 1 Maccabees and 2 Maccabees, in Harper’s Bible Commentary, ed. J. L. Mays, San Francisco:  Harper and Row, 1988, pp. 875‑915.

“The Laws of War in the Temple Scroll,” Memorial Jean Carmignac, Revue de Qumran 49‑52 (1988), 299‑311.

“The Law of the Temple Scroll and its Provenance,” in Folia Orientalia, vol. 25 (1988), pp. 89‑98.

“The Limits of Tolerance:  Halakhah and History,” Proceedings of Conference on Jewish Unity, New York: American Jewish Committee, 1989.

“The Temple Scroll and the Systems of Jewish Law of the Second Temple Period,” Temple Scroll Studies, ed. G. J. Brooke, Sheffield:  JSOT Press, 1989.

Shelamim Sacrifices in the Temple Scroll,” in Eretz Israel 20 (1989), Yigael Yadin Memorial Volume, pp. 176*‑183*.

“Architecture and Law:  The Temple and its Courtyards in the Temple Scroll,” From Ancient Israel to Modern Judaism, Intellect in Quest of Understanding, Essays in Honor of Marvin Fox, ed. J. Neusner, E.S. Frerichs, N.M. Sarna, Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1989, vol. 1, pp. 267‑84.

“When Women and Men Sat Together in American Orthodox Synagogues,” Moment 14 (1989), pp. 40‑49 and discussion in subsequent issue.

“The Impurity of the Dead in the Temple Scroll,” in Archaeology and History in the Dead Sea Scrolls, ed. L. H. Schiffman, Sheffield:  JSOT for ASOR, 1990, pp. 135‑156.

“Miqsat Ma`aseh Ha‑Torah and the Temple Scroll,” in Revue de Qumran 14 (1990), Groningen Congress Volume, pp. 435‑457.

“The Prohibition of the Skins of Animals in the Temple Scroll and Miqsat Ma’aseh ha‑Torah,” Proceedings of the Tenth World Congress of  Jewish Studies (Division A), 1990, p. 191‑198.

“The New Halakhic Letter (4QMMT) and the Origins of the Dead Sea Sect,” Biblical Archaeologist 53 (June 1990), pp. 64‑73; also appeared in Mogilany 1989, Papers on the Dead Sea Scrolls, ed. Z. J. Kapera, vol. 1, Krakow:  Enigma Press, 1993, pp. 59‑70.

“The Law of Vows and Oaths (Num 30, 3‑16) in the Zadokite Fragments and the Temple Scroll,” in Revue de Qumran 15 (1991), pp. 199‑214.

“Confessionalism and the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls,” Jewish Studies, Forum of the World Union of Jewish Studies 31 (1991), pp. 3‑14.

Milhemet ha‑Megillot: Hitpathuyot be‑Heqer ha‑Megillot ha‑Genuzot,Cathedra 61 (1991), pp. 3‑23.

“Qumran and Rabbinic Halakhah,” Jewish Civilization in the Hellenistic‑Roman Period, ed. S. Talmon, Sheffield: JSOT, 1991, pp. 138‑146.

“From Temple to Torah: Rabbinic Judaism in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls,” Shofar 10 (1992), pp. 2‑15.

“New Light on the Pharisees: Insights from the Dead Sea Scrolls,” in BR 8 (June 1992), pp. 30‑33, 54, reprinted in: Understanding the Dead Sea Scrolls, ed. Hershel Shanks, New York: Random House, 1992, pp. 217‑224.

“The Significance of the Scrolls,” BR 6 (Oct. 1990), pp. 18‑27, 52, reprinted as “The Sadducean Origins of the Dead Sea Scroll Sect,” in: Understanding the Dead Sea Scrolls, ed. Hershel Shanks, New York: Random House, 1992, pp. 35‑49.

“Letter to the Readers,” BA 55 (March 1992), pp. 2‑3.

“From the Caves of Qumran,” Jewish Action 52:2 (1992), pp. 24‑27.

“Temple Scroll,” in The Anchor Bible Dictionary 6 (1992), pp. 348‑350.

“Zadokite Fragments (Damascus Document),” The Anchor Bible Dictionary 6 (1992), pp. 1036‑1038.

“The Septuagint and the Temple Scroll: Shared ‘Halakhic’ Variants,” in Septuagint, Scrolls and Cognate Writ­ings, International Symposium on the Septuagint and its Relations to the Dead Sea Scrolls and Other Writings (1990), eds. G. Brooke, B. Lindars, Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1992, pp. 277‑297.

“Was There a Galilean Halakhah?” The Galilee in Late Antiquity (New York and Jerusalem:  Jewish Theological Seminary, 1992), pp. 143‑56.

“The Deuteronomic Paraphrase of the Temple Scroll,” Revue de Qumran 15 (1992), pp. 543‑67.

“Pharisees and Sadducees in Pesher Nahum,” Minhah le‑Nahum, Biblical and other Studies Presented to Nahum M. Sarna in Honour of his 70th Birthday, ed. M. Brettler, M. Fishbane (Sheffield:  JSOT Press, 1993), pp. 272‑90).

“Le‑Zikhro shel Professor Moshe Held,” Hadoar.

“The Furnishings of the Temple according to the Temple Scroll,” The Madrid Qumran Congress, Proceedings of the International Congress on the Dead Sea Scrolls, Madrid, 18‑21 March 1991, ed. J. Trebolle Barrera, L. Vegas Montaner (Leiden:  E. J. Brill, Madrid:  Editorial Complutense, 1992), II, pp. 621‑34.

“Messianic Figures and Ideas in the Qumran Scrolls,”The Messiah, Developments in Earliest Judaism and Chris­tianity, ed. J. H. Charlesworth (Minneapolis:  Fortress Press, 1992), pp. 116‑29.

“Laws Pertaining to Women in the Temple Scroll,” The Dead Sea Scrolls, Forty Years of Research, ed. D. Dimant, U. Rappoport (Leiden:  E. J. Brill, Jerusalem:  Magnes Press and Yad Izhak Ben‑Zvi, 1992), pp. 210‑28.

“Sacred Space: The Land of Israel in the Temple Scroll,Biblical Archaeology Today 1990, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Biblical Archaeology, ed. A. Biran, J. Aviram (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1993), pp. 398‑410.

“Louis Finkelstein” (Necrology), Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research 59 (1993), 1‑4.

“New Halakhic Texts from Qumran,” Hebrew Studies 34 (1993), 21‑33.

“4QMysteriesb:  A Preliminary Edition,” Revue de Qumran 16:62 (1993), 203‑223.

“New Tools for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls,” Religious Studies Review 20 (1994), 113‑16.

Articles on “Akiva ben Joseph,” “Ba’al Shem Tov,” “Buber, Martin,” “Ark of the Covenant,” “Hasidism,” “Haskalah,” “Judaism,” “Kosher,” Mendelsohn, Moses,” “Passover,” “Purim,” “Rosh Ha‑Shanah,” “Syna­gogue,” “Talmud,” “Western Wall,” in World Book Encyclopedia, 1994‑95.

“The Jewishness of Jesus:  Commandments Concerning Interpersonal Relations,”  in Jews and Christians Speak about Jesus, ed. Arthur E. Zanoni,  Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1994, 37-53.

“Judaism and Early Christianity in the Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls,” in Jewish‑Christian Encounters over the Centuries:  Symbiosis, Prejudice, Holocaust, Dialogue, ed. M. Perry and F. M. Schweitzer, New York: Peter Land, 1994, p. 27‑44.

“Laws Concerning Idolatry in the Temple Scroll,” Uncovering Ancient Stones: Essays in Memory of H. Neil Richardson, ed. L. M. Hopfe (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1994), 159‑175.

“The Milluim Ceremony in the Temple Scroll,” New Qumran Texts and Studies: Proceedings of the First Meeting of the International Organization for Qumran Studies, Paris 1992, Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1994, p. 255‑272.

Panel Discussion, “Ethics of Publication of the Dead Sea Scrolls,” Methods of Investigation of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Khirbet Qumran Site: Present Realities and Future Prospects, ed. M.O. Wise, N. Golb, J.J. Col­lins, D. G. Pardee, New York: New York Academy of Sciences, 1994, pp. 463‑68, 488.

“Sectarian Rule (5Q13),” and “Ordinances and Rules,” The Dead Sea Scrolls, Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Texts with English Translations, vol. 1, Rule of the Community and Related Documents, ed. J. H. Charlesworth, Tübingen:  J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) and Louisville:  Westminster John Knox Press, 1994, pp. 132‑75.

“Pharisaic and Sadducean Halakhah in the Dead Sea Scrolls:  The Case of the Tevul Yom,” Dead Sea Discoveries 1 (1994), 285‑99.

“The Temple Scroll and the Nature of its Law:  the State of the Question,” The Community of the Renewed Covenant, The Notre Dame Symposium on the Dead Sea Scrolls, ed. E. Ulrich, J. C. VanderKam (Notre Dame, IN:  University of Notre Dame Press, 1994), 37‑55.

“4QMysteries:  A Preliminary Translation,” Proceedings of the Eleventh World Congress of Jewish Studies, Division A, The Bible and its World (Jerusalem: World Union of Jewish Studies, 1994), 199‑206.

“The Theology of the Temple Scroll,” The Jewish Quarterly Review 85 (1994), 109‑123.

(co‑author) “4Q470: Preliminary Publication of a Fragment Mentioning Zedekiah,” Revue de Qumran 16:63 (1994) 335‑349.

“Cutheans” and “Rabbinic Literature, Samaritans in,” A Companion to Samaritan Studies, ed. A. D. Crown, R. Pummer, A. Tal.

Ha‑Halakhah Bi‑Tequfat Ha‑Hashmona’im Le‑’Or Megillot Midbar Yehudah,” Yeme Bet Ha-Hashmona’i, `Idan 19, ed. D. Amit, H. Eshel (Jerusalem: Yad Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, 1995) 157-70.

“Sacral and Non‑Sacral Slaughter according to the Temple Scroll, “Time to Prepare the Way in the Wilderness”, Papers on the Qumran Scrolls by Fellows of The Institute for Advanced Studies of the Hebrew University‑‑Jerusa­lem, 1989‑90, ed. D. Dimant, L. H. Schiffman, Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah 16 (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1995), 69‑84.

`Ola and Hatta’t in the Temple Scroll,” in Pomegranates and Golden Bells: Studies in Biblical, Jewish, and Near Eastern Ritual, Law, and Literature in honor of Jacob Milgrom, Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 1995, pp. 39‑48.

“4QMysteriesa:  A Preliminary Edition and Translation,” in Solving Riddles and Untying Knots: Biblical, Epi­graphic and Semitic Studies in honor of Jonas C. Greenfield, Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 1995,  pp. 207‑260.

“Origin and Early History of the Qumran Sect,” BA 58, no. 1 (1995), pp. 37‑48.

“Understanding the Dead Sea Scrolls,” Wellsprings 42 (Fall, 1995) 25‑31.

“Separation of Powers in the Dead Sea Community,” in Signs of Democracy in the Bible, ed. C. Stern (Chappaqua, NY: Temple Beth El of Northern Westchester, 1995)  64-85.

(with E. Larson and J. Strugnell) “4QText Mentioning Hezekiah,” Qumran Cave 4, XIV: Parabiblical Texts, Part 2, (Discoveries in the Judaean Desert 19; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995) 235-244.

“The Place of 4QMMT in the Corpus of Qumran Manuscripts,” in Reading 4QMMT, edited by M. J. Bernstein and J. Kampen, (SBL Symposium Series; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1996) 81-98.

“Jerusalem in the Dead Sea Scrolls,” in The Centrality of Jerusalem, eds. M. Poorthuis and Ch. Safrai, (Kampen, Netherlands: Kok Pharos Publishing, 1996) 73-88.

The Construction of the Temple according to the Temple Scroll,” Revue de Qumran 17 (1996), 555-71.

“Foreword:  The Ancient Synagogue and the History of Judaism ” The Sacred Realm, ed. Steven Fine (New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press and Yeshiva University Museum, 1996) xxvii-xxix.

“Miscellaneous Texts,” Qumran Cave 4, XVII: Parabiblical Texts, Part 3, (Discoveries in the Judaean Desert 22; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996) 295-304, 311-322.

“Mysteries,” Qumran Cave 4, XV: Sapiential Texts, Part 1, (Discoveries in the Judaean Desert 20; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997) 31-123.

“Apostrophe to Zion (11QPsalms Scroll 22:1-15),” Prayer from Alexander to Constantine, ed. Mark Kiley (London and New York: Routledge, 1997) 18-22.

“Some Laws Pertaining to Animals in Temple Scroll, Column 52,” Legal Texts and Legal Issues: Proceedings of the Second Meeting of the International Organization for Qumran Studies, Cambridge, 1995, ed. M. Bernstein, F. García Martínez, J. Kampen ( Leiden: Brill, 1997) 167-178.

“Megillat Ha-Miqdash aúare Sheloshim Shanah, “ Qadmoniot 30 (1997), pp. 101-4.

“Dead Sea Scrolls,” “Beit Hillel and Beit Shammai,” “Shimon Bar Kokhba,” in Encyclopedia of the Jewish Religion, Oxford University Press, 1997.

“Hilkhot Shehitah `al pi Megillat Ha‑Miqdash,”  ‘Or Le-Ya`akov, Meúqarim Ba-Miqra` U-Vi-Megillot Midbar Yehudah Le-Zikhro shel Y. S. Licht (Jerusalem:  Mosad Bialik, 1997), pp. 272-82.

“Non‑Jews in the Dead Sea Scrolls,” The Quest for Context and Meaning: Studies in Biblical Intertextuality in Honor of James A. Sanders, ed. C.A. Evans, S. Talmon (Leiden: Brill, 1997) 153-171.

`Ir Ha-Miqdash and its Meaning in the Temple Scroll and Other Qumran Texts,” Sanctity of Time and Space in Tradition and Modernity, ed. A. Houtman, M.J.H.M. Poorthuis, J. Schwartz (Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series 1; Leiden: Brill, 1998) 95-109.

“The Case of the Day of Atonement Ritual,” Biblical Perspectives: Early Use and Interpretation of the Bible in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls: Proceedings of the First International Symposium of the Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated Literature, 12-14 May, 1996, ed. M.E. Stone, E.G. Chazon (Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah 28; Leiden: Brill, 1998) 181-188.

“The Vilna Gaon’s Methods for Textual Criticism of Rabbinical Literature,” The Gaon of Vilnius and the Annals of Jewish Culture: Materials of the International Scientific Conference, Vilnius, September 10-12, 1997 (Vilnius: Vilnius University, 1998) 116-127.

“The Pharisees Revisited: Louis Finkelstein on the Second Temple Period,” Yakar Le’Mordecai: Jubilee Volume in Honor of Rabbi Mordecai Waxman, ed. Z. Ginor (Ktav and Temple Israel of Great Neck, 1998) 85-101.

“The Prohibition of Judicial Corruption in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Talmudic Law” Hesed ve-Emet: Studies in Honor of Ernest S. Frerichs, ed. J. Magness, S. Gitin (Brown Judaic Studies 320; Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1998) 155-178.

“Baruch A. Levine: A Brief Biography” Ki Baruch Hu: Ancient Near Eastern, Biblical, and Judaic Studies in Honor of Baruch A. Levine, ed. R. Chazan, W.H. Hallo, and L. H. Schiffman (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1999) ix-xiii.

Makhlokot be-Sifrut Ha-Tannai’im Le-‘Or Megillot Midbar Yehudah, (Tanaaitic Disputes in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls)” Ki Baruch Hu: Ancient Near Eastern, Biblical, and Judaic Studies in Honor of Baruch A. Levine, ed. R. Chazan, W.H. Hallo, and L. H. Schiffman (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1999) 43*-52*.

“Priestly and Levitical Gifts in the Temple Scroll,” The Provo International Conference on the Dead Sea Scrolls: Technological Innovations, New Texts, and Reformulated Issues, ed. D.W. Parry, E. Ulrich (Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah 30; Leiden: Brill, 1999) 480-496.

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“Modification of Biblical Law in the Temple Scroll,” in The Hebrew Bible in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls (eds. N. Dávid, A. Lange, Kristin De Troyer, and S.Tzoref; Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und Neuen Testaments 239; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2012) 312-20.

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“Curse of the Scrolls Strikes Again,” (Review of The Messiah before Jesus by Israel Knohl, Jerusalem Report (Jan. 15, 2001) pp. 45-6.

Review of S. C. Reif, A Jewish Archive from Old Cairo: The History of Cambridge University’s Genizah Collection, BAR 27 (May-June 2001) 54-55.

Review of A.I. Baumgarten, The Flourishing of Jewish Sects in the Maccabean Era: An Interpretation (in Hebrew), Zion 46 (2001) pp. 379-381.