Lecture Series: The Dead Sea Scrolls and Second Temple History
Beth Tfiloh Congregation in Baltimore is hosting a three-part lecture series with Prof. Lawrence Schiffman on the Dead Sea Scrolls and Second Temple History:
March 4: The Maccabees and the Dead Sea Scrolls
This lecture will trace the history of the Jews in Eretz Yisrael from the Maccabean Revolt through the Roman conquest of 63 BCE, showing how the authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls reacted to the Maccabean victory and illustrating their opposition to the Hasmonean dynasty that followed.
Click to listen to a recording of The Maccabees and the Dead Sea Scrolls.
March 11: The Dead Sea Scrolls and the History of Judaism
Because of their sectarian character, the Dead Sea Scrolls teach us much about the internal Jewish debates regarding law, theology, worship and messianism. This discussion will center on what valuable lessons we can learn from the Scrolls about the history of these important aspects of Jewish life and tradition.
Click to listen to a recording of The Dead Sea Scrolls and the History of Judaism.
March 25: Jerusalem and Rome: The View from Masada
Elements of the Jewish people revolted against Rome in 66-73 CE. We will trace the history of this period from the Roman conquest of 63 BCE through the fall of Masada in 73 CE. We will reflect on the impact of the failed revolt on the emergence of consensus around rabbinic Judaism and its impact on the subsequent history of the Jews.
Tried to listen to these recordings but could not gain access. http://lawrenceschiffman.com/lecture-series-the-dead-sea-scrolls-and-second-temple-history/